Thursday 12 June 2008

Last day at hald

the fisrt time I came to Norway I think about these time in Norway so very defferent from Laos, Everything was new for me. I think about that so how can I be in Norway because I don't know English, I don't know anything, I just know only onething very inportant for my life these thing is God has plan for my life. also the time in Norway 10 months has been make me to be strong in my life and I know more what I can do and what I'd like to do. So now the end comimg, so I'd like to say that I am really great to get to know all of you and to be together with you at hald, beleive that God has plan for your life.....

Today is 13 of June, also the end at hald for us, I am looked everyone was so sad, I beleive after that we will be the best of our life, don't for get:

  • to be positive

  • to do yor best

  • to help each other

Let's we pray to each other for study, work and everything we do.

I really hope that we are going to meet again

May God bless and keep you all

Wednesday 11 June 2008

10 months in Norway

My Life in Norway

looks very different from that of Laos everything looks to be new to The environment, climate and the social life of the people is absolutely another world to me. I mean the food, dressing and the means of transport is not the same with that of Laos. For my first six weeks I was stay in Mandal, I was still new in town but after some time when I got used to the environment. And here comes another moving moments when we were to go to our practise places in different towns of Norway and also the Norwegians were to go to the southern countries. I felt there was something that I was going to start missing that was my friends at hald since we had become one family and I am going to Ulsteinvik were I had no friends with no idea of thats places, than I knew at hald or Mandal.On the day of departure, I almost cried when seeing my friends leaving.

My first day in Ulsteinvik

was the most boring moments that I have ever experienced in life. The place was very quiet with few people in the centre and this made me ask myself questions where the people in this town? Have they got a party to attend and how many people live here? It looked like some place that have been attacked by rebels some few minutes before my arrival. On getting used to a place, life started changing in Ulsteinvik. My everyday life and my work that I have to be contributor, it is good, I have to go to my Norwegian class; it’s so good to do that. but it’s not so easy to study because my English is not so good. When I just got here. I have managed to make new friends, right now I have a lot of friends that I work with and what a nice people that we have after working together, we sit down to relax and talk together ourselves what we like doing I mean hobbies. They some time invite me to their homes to watch movies, talked, play grams, also we have to walk around Ulstienvik.

I've been worked in Ulsteinvik

While in Ulsteinvik I go to kindergarten on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It’s so happy to work with children, learn how to sang a song with them but sometime, we probably misunderstand each others because confusing between communications. But still be the good way to learn Norwegian and make fun with them with out boring, On Wednesday I work in NMS Shop with old people they are very lovely and kind, I am really to be glad to know them and saw people came to gave a lot of thing and some people come to buy of thing and after that I go to the Tensing with young people do activities with them and some time I tell them about my country. there was no work but the most important work here is to make this people happy, they need care just like any other person. What I learnt is that people like this should not be seen as useless people since they never wished to be like this they should be given respect, care and love but they should not be considered as useless people in the community like the way they are treated in my country . This is the most thing that I enjoy doing in my practise place is to be with this people talk to them and to bring smiles to their faces. Every Monday I have cell group, this is one of the nice things also because I can learn and get to know better about God’s working around the world. In our group we can share experience about bible, worship God and pray for each others and Sometime I have to go to somewhere to meeting, share testimony. It depends on visiting.